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12 August 2020

THM write-up: Hacking with Powershell

6 minutes to read



Greeting there, welcome to another tryhackme writeup. Today, we are going for the most fundamental room in THM which is the windows Powershell. (I’m feeling THM started to deep dive into Windows machine.) This post is written for those who stuck in the loop of PowerShell and don’t rely on this walkthrough so much, somehow you need to learn :). In addition, the command and the script within the walkthrough might not be clean or optimize.

Task 2: The most useful PowerShell command

Every time, even you are a Linux user. You should know help command is the most useful command in all sorts of the shell. How about the Powershell? Get-Help

Task 3: Basic Powershell

Make sure you read the entire description of the challenge, that is informative.

Task 3-1: Location of a file

This task required the user to search for a .txt file. To do this, we need the following Powershell command

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Include *.txt -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Let me explain the flags:

locate file

The text file is located in C:\Program Files

Task 3-2: Read the file

To read the content of a file, you need the following command

Get-Content -Path 'C:\Program Files\interesting-file.txt.txt'

Read file

Task 3-3: Count the cmdlets

For the hardcore, you can list all cmdlets and count by yourself. If you are lazy just like me, pipe a measure command.

Get-command | measure

count cmdlets

Task 3-4: MD5 hash

This is easy, enter the following command to get the checksum of the file.

Get-FileHash 'C:\Program Files\interesting-file.txt.txt' -Algorithm MD5


Task 3-5: Get current working directory

Just like DIR in windows and ls in Linux. Powershell uses Get-Location to list the file and directory.

Task 3-6: Check the existence of a file

Use Get-Location to verify whether the file is inside the system or not.

Get-Location "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Passwords"


The answer is Nay.

Task 3-7: Make a web request

Check this link, it explains everything.

Task 3-8: Decode base64

You can cheat yourself using an online tool but it is meaningless. To perform a base64 decode via Powershell, use the following command.

PS> $data = Get-Content 'b64.txt'
PS>[System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($data)) | Out-File -Encoding "ASCII" out.html


Task 4: Enumeration

We are going to do some recon using Powershell.

Task 4-1: Who is inside the machine

To list all users inside the machine, you need the following command.



Task 4-2: The user SID

Just add -SID flag on Get-LocalUser.

Get-LocalUser -SID "S-1-5-21-1394777289-3961777894-1791813945-501"

localuser sid

Task 4-3: User with NoPassword

4 user, that all.

Task 4-4: Number of the local groups

Similar to the previous task on listing the number of cmdlets, pipe the measure command after Get-LocalGroup.

Get-LocalGroup | measure

local group count

Task 4-5: Get IP address info

well, Get-NetIPAddress

Task 4-6: Listening port

Get-NetTCPconnection filtered with -state listen flag.

Get-NetTCPconnection -State Listen

listening port

Task 4-7: Remote address for Port 445

Still using the Get-NetTCPconnection but with -State and -LocalPort flags.

Get-NetTCPconnection -State Listen -LocalPort 445

remote address

Task 4-8: Number of installed patch

You need Get-hotfix command

Get hot-fix | measure

hot fix

Task 4-9: Patching date

To look for a specific path ID, punch in the following command.

Get-HoxFix -ID KB4023834

patch day

Task 4-10: Read a backup file

This task is a little bit tricky. The backup file always ended up with .bak but not this one. That is why I added up wild card back and fro the file searching command.

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Include *.bak* -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


See, that is a text file.

Task 4-11: The API key

You are required to read all the files line by line. I’m thinking of grep command. The alternative of Powershell to grep is.

Get-ChildItem C:\* -recurse | Select-String -pattern API_KEY

API key

Huh, where is it?

Task 4-12: List running process

is Get-Process

Task 4-13: Find the scheduled task

To find a specific scheduled task, just input the following command.

Get-Scheduledtask -TaskName new-sched-task


Task 4-14: The owner of C:\

GET-ACL is the answer you need.

Get-Acl C:\


Task 5: Basic scripting

Time for some hands-on. Actually we can finish all the tasks with one command line but for the sake of the challenge, I’m going to write a simple script. Seriously, don’t read the files.

Task 5-1: Locate the file with password

Launch your ISE, write the following script and run it.

$path = 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\emails\*'
$magic_word = 'password'
$exec = Get-ChildItem $path -recurse | Select-String -pattern $magic_word
echo $exec

script 1

Easy huh.

Task 5-2: The password

The answer can be found on task 5-1.

Just change the $magicword variable to “HTTP” and you should get the answer.

script 2

Task 6-1: Intermediate scripting



That’s all for the Powershell challenge. It doesn’t matter the command is upper or lower case, this is Windows OS. Until next time ;)

tags: tryhackme - recon - windows - powershell

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